Sandy and Gay arranged a 2nd, post-reunion luncheon, this one with the guys and gals. This get-together was also at Knapp's Restaurant in Tacoma. It was a special time with fun, laughter and some great camaraderie. We truly hope you are able to join us next time.
Now the esoteric Gary Johnson has a few thoughts about the event:
Wednesday last (February 3) a group met for lunch at Knapps Restaurant in the Proctor district. This periodic meet and greet was attended by a stellar cast of “Bavishing Reauties” and two slothful guys who were remarkably obtuse. Nonetheless, neither Pete nor I tumbled to the possibility that we may be ill equipped to join this astute collection. Manfully we refused to acknowledge that we had not been the intended recipients of the email.
Regardless of any failure of social graces or Faux Pas, we carried on with a remarkable luncheon session. I enjoyed hearing the tales of post reunion events and adventures. Seems like everyone (except me) had the time and stories that make these gatherings so enjoyable. Next time they meet, I intend to join in again That is unless we are required to wear pantyhose for admission….I am not so sure that presents such a problem for Pete.
Later….is keel-hauling dangerous? Just a rumor I heard.
Gary J.
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