Well our 50th reunion has come and gone and so we wanted to post some thank you's and final thoughts before too much time had passed.
First we want to thank everyone who attended, you all made it a success. It was a huge turnout, too many people to be able to talk to everyone, which was frustrating, a "wealth of riches." But it was a special time, the weather was perfect, the location very elegant, the decor was amazing, including several historical boards which brought back so many memories of growing-up in Tacoma! And, all that was just wonderful and exciting, but the true gift was spending time with so many friends, saying hello over and over and talking seemingly non-stop. It was so nice to see everyone again and catch up. It was practically perfect! Perfection would have been to talk to everyone!
Next, we've had several requests to list all the committee members who all helped put this event together and get the word out to as many classmates as we could find. We spent over a year working on this, sometimes in bursts of activity, other times in periods of calm, but the stone kept getting pushed up the hill and our work finally all came together in a series of unique events that made it a wonderful four-day celebration.
The Woodrow Wilson High School 1965 Reunion Committee: