Our email newsletter went out to our alumni and a lot of the emails didn't work. So we created a list combining alumni whose emails were "bouncebacks" with the alumni on our list that we didn't have an email for and mailed postcards to that combined list. Now all the postcards that couldn't be delivered and were returned have been logged and compiled with those alumni for whom we had no email or address. We call this the "No Contact" list because we've had no contact with them by email or postcard and we don't have valid contact info for them in our database. We present the "No Contact" list below so all of you who read the list can see if you know contact info for anyone on the list. If you do, either email us their info at wilson65reunion@gmail.com, or let them know about this blog and that they should sign up for the email newsletter if they are interested in attending. Details for the 50th reunion will be finalized soon and then we'll be emailing and posting about tickets available to purchase online.
The Wilson '65 Alumni - No Contact - List
Elva (Russell) Able
Paulette (Bouffiou) Alvarado
Jerrold Anderson
James Anthes
Janice (Farmer) Anton
Ken Averett
Sandra Barbour
Leonard Barnett
Andrea (Nelson) Bass
Anne Benjamin
Sharon (Kindrick) Berg
Deloris (Tonkin) Bergstrom
Jerry Bullat
Judy (Burns) Burns
Jan Butcher
Bob Butterworth
Candace Carroll
Len Ceder
Warren Churchward
Pamela (Tschudin) Coffee