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Saturday, October 18, 2014
Wilson High Message Board - Restored & Ready to Roll

Wednesday, October 1, 2014
“It's hard to believe the reunion is less than a year away!” - Pam Hofto-Brower
There is still so much to do and the more people help out, the better our 50th Reunion will be and we want it to be the best ever. If you are interested in helping out, attend a planning committee meeting and see what you can do. Email us at wilson65reunion@gmail.com for details for the next meeting. The reunion committee will be meeting at least once a month from now until the reunion. Won't you please join us?
Thank you so much to everyone who has found this blog and emailed us. We would love to hear from more of you. Email us photos, stories, your contact info or any suggestions for the reunion or this blog to: wilson65reunion@gmail.com. Please help us find other Wilson '65 alumni, or let us know if someone has passed away.
Keep checking back for updates and though we hope to see you sooner, at least we'll… See You In September.